Studies show that 95% of travelers seek reviews from other people before making a reservation in a listing, so having reviews on your website listings can be decisive for converting reservations.

To help you with this routine, see what you need to know about the guest review module of

How to get guest reviews?You can configure the automatic message triggering after the guest leaves or send manually through the reservation page.SEE DETAILS
Can the guest leave reviews through the website?From their reservation page, the guest will have the option to leave feedback after the reservation has ended.SEE DETAILS
What is the content of the message that goes to the guests?The default content is found in the reservation request review email template. Starting with the Administrator plan, you can adjust the content according to your preferences.SEE DETAILS
Is it possible to avoid sending the review request in a specific reservation?The reservation page has an option to disable the sending of the review request to the guest, without compromising your general configuration of DETAILS
Is it possible to register reviews manually?From your management panel, it is possible to create guest reviews.SEE DETAILS
How to manage the received reviews?From the [Reservation Center > Guest Reviews] menu you can have an overview of the contents and define whether or not they will be visible on the website.SEE DETAILS
Is there integration of reviews to sales channels? imports reviews left on Airbnb and you will be able to review guests on the platform through the screen as well.
So far, only Airbnb and Booking have integration.
What to do when receiving negative reviews?This is part of the business and can be an opportunity to prove the value of your services. Check out the link on the side for some tips from our blog (in Portuguese)!SEE DETAILS