To help you manage the reviews received from the guests, Stays has two possible ways:

Management via screen [Guest's Reviews]

  1. Access the [Reservation Center > Guest Reviews] menu;
  2. Filter on the left side to refine your search;
  3. Click on [Update].

From this action, it is also possible to filter by listing on the left side of the screen, select the desired review and make any of the actions below:

View full review contentClick on the [Show] button.
Edit the content of the guest reviewUse this tool only for possible spelling corrections and minor adjustments.
Click on [Edit], make changes and save your content.
Post the review on your websiteClick on the [Status > Review Status] button and select the [Published] option to make the review public on the website or [Hidden] to hide. 
Answer and define if it should be part of the statisticsAlso on [Status] you will be able to answer the review, set what is the language and whether the review should be considered in your operational statistics, whether in the listing quality area or in relation to the services of a collaborator.

Management via listing page

It is also possible to access the reviews directly through the listings and make the same actions described in the previous step.

  1. Access the listing;
  2. Click on the [Auxiliaries > Reviews] menu;
  3. In case you want to create a review manually, click on [+Review].