After importing reviews from Stays guests, you will be able to see the reviews left by them in the menu Reservation Center > Guest Reviews, where is the main place to manage reviews and replies for your website.

To get your guest reply to your Airbnb listing, you need to check a few additional actions:

What you find in this article

How will my reply to the guest will be displayed on Stays website?

When using the Reservation Center menu, your reply will be displayed on the listing's page, along with the review left by the guest, as shown in the example below:

How can I reply to a review from a guest from Airbnb?

The guest review reply can be provided via your Reservation Page, where you will find a Reviews box.

In the Review type field, select Guest >> host reviews option and in the Reviewed person reply field, leave your comment, remembering to click in Submit Response, according to the image below:

Now that you already know more about how to reply to your Airbnb guests reviews, how about seeing other related subjects?