To help you in your business routines, Stays offers different reports with strategic information that can be used by your reservation, operational, and finance teams. Check below the types of reports and lists that can be exported through the system:

Listings spreadsheetIt generates an Excel list with all the listings of your system and your status. It can be used for your company's internal control and for monitoring your portfolio. Access [Listings > Individual].
Listings inventoryIt is a document with all registered inventory items. It can be used on your listings' routine of quality control and contractual dealings with owners when getting and returning listings. Access [Auxiliaries > Cleaning & Maintenance > Print Inventory] tab within the listing's page.
Check-in and checkout listIt is a printed document of scheduled check-in and checkout for the filtered period. It works mainly for planning the reception routine of the company. Access [Reservation Center > Reception].
Guests list
It is a printed document that shows all the listings occupied and guests allocated on the day the document was issued.
This is useful to control the breakfast routine, for example, as well as other additional routines. 
Leads listIt creates a contact list (owners and guests) from the system's database. It can help you on the email marketing campaigns. Access [Users & Guests > Subscribers Export].
Reservations reportIt is a report with all the information about the reservations on the selected period. It can be through Excel or a document to print. You set the information of the columns.
Spreadsheet with reservations receiptIt is a spreadsheet to control receivable accounts, focused on the reservation charging routine to guests. Access [Finance > Receivable Accounts] or [Reservation Center > Find Reservation].
Spreadsheet of payable accountsIt is a report for the finance routine and follow-up of transactions involving payable accounts. It is generated from the [Finance > Payable Accounts].
Accounting balance reportIndicators on screen to have a strategic view about the company's costs and expenses. Access [Finance > Others > Accounting Balance]
Reservation forwarding reportIt is a tool for internal control of reservations and the respective amounts that must be forwarded to the owners. Access [Reservation Center > Find Reservation] -it is also possible to filter by the status: Forwarded, Not forwarded, Incomplete forwarding
Income and expenses report for ownersIt is a document used for accountability to owners. Encompasses all debits, credits, and the balance in the selected period. Access [Finance > Owner Statements] - it is possible to generate the report in Excel format, document for printing or send it to the owner via email in PDF format.

Check out in each article about reports if the tool is available on your plan.