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Linking Stays fees to Booking

To link Stays fees to Booking fees, access the [Channel Managers Dashboard > Booking.com] menu. Click on the [Settings > Fees & Taxes] tab.

Link the fees created in the system to the compatible option in the channel's list and save the changes on the top right side of the screen.

Important actions to set the fee

Once you get to the configuration screen, you need to consider the steps below:

Link your Stays fee to Booking feesIn this case, it is quite simple.
As indicated above, at the left column are your Stays fees and at the right column is a list of all configurable fees on Booking.
Just link the options and save the changes made.
Establish fee connection behaviorThis configuration is useful for those who already had Booking listings before the connection to Stays!
By marking [Keep what is on Booking], we will keep your fees previously registered on Booking and we will only manage the ones you linked.
By marking [Follow my stays.net], we will remove all your Booking fees that are not linked on Stays channel manager.
Importation of unmapped feesIf you have marked the [Keep what is on Booking] option in the item above, it is necessary to inform Stays on which invoice of the reservation's page you want to receive the fees and taxes created on Booking, without any link to the Stays registration. To do that access the [Finance > Relation with the Fees & Taxes] option.

Will fees and taxes be included on Booking's daily rates?

Regarding the charging of fees (e.g. cleaning fee, service, among others.), Stays will always send as not included in the daily rate price and, if you work differently, you will be able to make this adjustment in your Booking extranet or with the help of Booking's local support.

Regarding taxes you will be able to set if the amounts are already included in your daily rates price or not; if not, you will be able to manually adjust this information on the [Finance > Relation with Fees & Taxes] menu: