has a feature to notify guests and/or owners by email of the cancellation of a reservation.

It is possible to configure whether the email notification will be only for owners or guests or apply the tool to both, in addition to being able to customize the behavior by listings.

What you find in this article

Default setting

The adjustment is made from the [Settings > Email Settings > Reservation] menu, in the Reservation Cancellation and Exclusion of Reservations sections.

There you will be able to choose different behaviors and to whom the notification should be sent, being able to select both guests and owners.

Just select your default policy, remembering to save your changes in the upper right corner of the screen:

The Confirm before sending option will give you a manual email trigger option from the Reservation Page you want.

Customizing the policy per listing

To manage the triggering to owners in a personalized way per listing, just access the listings and go to the [Finance > Contract Configuration] menu, in the Information and Communication section.

Then just click on Individual, select the desired policy for the listing you want and save the changes at the top of the screen (next to the heading Information and Communication):

The Save button will become available after the change and will be higher on the page.
You can also review what your default setting is by selecting the Global option and clicking Preview! has a default email content for this notification and you can edit it according to your preferences.