To link (map) your listings, it's necessary to access Booking extranet and also the Stays connection panel.

This process is called release connection to Booking. If you have any questions, use this keyword on the chat and indicate your listing's number, so the agents can support you.

The step-by-step guide to linking Booking listings is also available in video format (activate subtitles in English).

If your goal is to create a new listing, follow the Guide: How to connect to Booking via Stays tutorial.

Step 1. Enable Stays on Booking extranet

Follow the steps below on your Booking extranet (

  1. Access [Your account > Channel Manager > Connect your channel manager];
  2. In the search bar, type "", select the option that will appear and click on [Next];
  3. Read the Booking connection contract and click on [Accept]
  4. After the connection automatic release, click on the blue button on the end of the screen to confirm; 
  5. All set! Now it's time to map the listings on Stays.

For further details about the connection to the Booking extranet, read the channel's official article.

Step 2. Map your listings on the Stays system

Access your Stays channel manager and follow the instructions:

  1. Access [Channel Managers Dashboard > > Listings] and click on the desired listing:
  2. Select [Connect to > Connect to an existing listing on];
  3. Enter your ID property. It will appear on the left side of your Booking extranet;
  4. After your ID is validated, click on the [Connect to] button next to each one unconnected within your listing;
  5. Select [Link to an existing listing] to open the list of your active listings on; 
  6. Choose a listing in the [Room ID] field. If you have future reservations on Booking, select [Sync now]. Finally, click on [Connect];
  7. Now your listing has the Booking ID, which means that is successfully linked. Keep in mind to check Stays calendar and the Booking extranet as an extra validation.

If you want to force the submission of your price structure, calendar and mainly your variable charge per number of guests, you can send it manually via connection panel.