
Here are some materials to help you with the connection with Expedia.

FAQ | Stays and Expedia connection
Is it necessary to have a Brazilian CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities) to advertise on the channel? No, it is not. Is there a minimum number of ...
Tue, 18 Jun, 2024 at 4:56 PM
Guide: How to connect to Expedia via Stays
This article is only intended for users who already have an Expedia account and listings. If you would like to subscribe to the channel, please contact our...
Mon, 1 Apr, 2024 at 2:22 PM
What is the difference between Expedia Collects and Hotel Collects?
To cancel a reservation originated on Expedia, you must first check the type of agreement of your listing: Expedia Collects Hotel Collects In this cas...
Thu, 14 Sep, 2023 at 10:39 AM
How is the email communication with Expedia guests via Stays.net?
Regarding Expedia, the emails will be triggered only if the reservation has the real email of the guest registered in the Reservation. Getting the guest&...
Thu, 14 Sep, 2023 at 8:57 PM
How to disable the listing's automatic switch for the Expedia reservations?
This feature was developed only for emergency and very specific cases! The overuse can cause overbookings on your calendar! Reservations imported throug...
Tue, 12 Sep, 2023 at 10:25 AM
How to remove matched reservations on Expedia from the Stays calendar?
Expedia's matched reservations or no-show reservations represent a different routine in relation to the connection between Stays and Expedia, so for t...
Wed, 13 Sep, 2023 at 11:38 AM
How to link the additional fees on my Stays.net to Expedia?
In order to charge additional fees to your guests on Expedia from the Stays.net connection, you need to link your fees to existing models in the channel. ...
Wed, 14 Dec, 2022 at 9:21 AM