Important: by now, Koin is available only for a few Stays clients.

To integrate Koin with your Stays system, follow the steps below: 

Step 1. Activate Koin on the App Center

  1. Click on the menu and access [App Center > Payment Gateways > Koin]
  2. Select [Activate];
  3. Fill out the fields on [Channel information] and click on [Add channel]. 

Step 2. Configure your payment channel

  1. Access once again [App Center > Payment Gateways > Koin];
  2. Click on [Edit] on the right side of the created channel;
  3. Fill out the settings of [payment settings] and [Discriptive content];
  4. If you have already hired the service with our customer service, wait for Koin to send the transaction keys. Then, just apply them on [API Settings];
  5. Done, the channel will be active!