When there are individual listings within a location structure that are separately identified, this merger can be used to group the listings together.

When this occurs after connecting to the sales channels, additional care is required, so check below:

What you find in this article

How to change the individual listings' structure to a location before the connection with channels?

For listings connected to sales channels, the process is done from the [Content > Location] tab, where it is necessary to change the option marked in the field, link it to an existing address and save the changes:

Listing unlinked to the channel
Listing linked to existing location
Access [Location > New Address], fill out the requested fields about this address and save the changes in the upper right part of the screen.
At Location, you will link the listing to an existing location to make the change. After that, click on save.

How to change the individual listings' structure to a location after the connection with channels?

In these cases, as there are already connections with the sales channels, it is necessary that - before the indicated action in the item above -, the connection with the channels must be interrupted.

The behavior and the way vary by channel and here you find the basic instructions:

Booking.comClose your listings' calendar from the button Deactivate room.
Next, click Disconnect to remove the listing of the channel. 
AirbnbClick Close Calendar and then Disconnect to unlink the channel
ExpediaClick Actions and then click Disconnect
For other sales channels, just go to the Channel Manager menu, click Disconnect and the For this, it is necessary to create vertical groups, as shown in the step-by-step below:closing of the ad should be done directly on the platforms.

How to create vertical groups within the structure of a location?

For this, it is necessary to create vertical groups, as shown in the step-by-step below:

Go to the Listings menu and click on Add to create the vertical groups.

Choose the Group option to select the vertical rate group or Extend availability to select the cloned group.
In the Child field, select the listings that will be part of the vertical rate group or create the names of the new cloned rooms.
After that, the listings will be identified within the vertical rate group

How can I reconnect individual listings to sales channels?

Before performing this step, you need to reconnect the listings and define what the main ID will be maintained for the location (building) group. The other existing listings must be closed to avoid new reservations.

If the reservations already exist in the listings of the sales platforms, the support of the channels will be required to reallocate the reservations for the new listings.

For Airbnb listings, the connection is usually made individually even with a location structure, so in this case, just connect with the previous listings.
I want to know more...

Now that you know how to change the structure of a place for individual listings after connecting, how about looking at other related topics?