Linking your additional fees charged on to Despegar fees will ensure a safer e aligned connection process.

The fee link is done on your Go to the [Channel Managers > Despegar] menu and click on [Settings]. On the [Fees & Taxes] tab, select Despegar fees that match the most to yours on Stays and save the new changes. 

During the setup process of your Despegar account, try to ask the channel's team for more details regarding the charging policy for each fee.

How are the fees presented to the guest on Despegar website?

Prices of all fees and taxes will already be included in the final amount presented to guests on the Despegar portal. Here is the client's vision:

Since it is a reservation with fees included on Despegar, you should not charge guests.

Additional charges are only allowed if the guest consumes something from your property over the stay - you can create extra services to manage these charges