When importing reservations from the Booking, Expedia (Hotel Collects) and Vrbo channels, your system also receives the reservation's card data. This information is in token format, encrypted to protect the data. To receive payments using this format, you need to have Cielo, Pagar.me, Mercado Pago or Stripe on your Stays system.

For Stripe, your account must not be enabled with the 3D Secure protocol.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Access the reservation page;
  2. Scroll down the page and find the [Total Amount] section;
  3. Click on the [+transaction] option; 
  4. Select the [Credit Card] option and fill out the required information;
  5. Confirm to process the transaction.

If the transaction is not authorized, see below the possible actions for each channel:

  • Booking: select the card as invalid and wait. The Booking team will send a new card or cancel the reservation;
  • Expedia: within 72 hours, go to the Expedia extranet and request the cancellation of the reservation;
  • Vrbo: If the connection is via API, cancel via the Stays reservation page. If not, cancel through the Vrbo portal.