Check out the most frequently asked questions about the connection between CasaTemporada and Stays.

Do I need to have a National Registry of Legal Entities to advertise on the channel?

No, you don't.

Is there a minimum number of listings to connect?

There's no restriction on the number, but the channel only accepts listings from Brazil.

Is there a content connection between Stays and CasaTemporada?

Yes, there is. CasaTemporada imports the description of your listings, as well as photos and other details. You can check the result on the CasaTemporada portal.

Can I edit the description of my listings?

Yes, you can. Changes made at Stays prevail over any changes made at CasaTemporada - therefore, the ideal is to centralize the content here. The update is made every 24 hours.

Does CasaTemporada work with listings with multiple units?

No, it doesn't. As it is a listing portal focused on seasonal rentals, your listings are listed individually. You can choose representative listings of the address to publish on the portal and, therefore, capture interested parties for other similar ones.

On which websites will my ads be published?

In addition to the CasaTemporada portal, there are partner sites such as Mitula, Trovit, Nestoria and other portals.

Is the rate registered on Stays sent to the channel?

Yes, it's. CasaTemporada updates the information received from Stays every 2 hours.

Does CasaTemporada recognize my additional fees registered with Stays?

The channel imports the amount of the cleaning fee.

Does CasaTemporada work with charges per additional guest (derived prices)?

No, it doesn't. The channel always shows the daily rate, and the special conditions of the listing must be addressed when negotiating with guests on the portal.

Do reservations made on CasaTemporada get on the Stays calendar?

No, they don't. CasaTemporada isn't an online reservation platform, but rather a platform for publishing listings and making intermediation of negotiations. You must create your reservations manually on Stays.

Does CasaTemporada get information from the Stays calendar?

Yes, it does. With the iCal connection, the calendar is updated every 1 hour by CasaTemporada.

Does CasaTemporada get the check-in and checkout restrictions registered with Stays?

No, as the channel doesn't work with online reservations. If the guest's inquiry is for an unwanted period, you have the autonomy to negotiate with them.

Does CasaTemporada get the cancellation policies registered with Stays?

No, it doesn't. The host has complete autonomy regarding listing policies, and this must be communicated to guests during negotiation.

How is the guest charged for the reservation amount?

The advertiser can charge the reservation in advance using their own bank account. This is handled on the CasaTemporada negotiation panel.

Can I cancel a CasaTemporada reservation via Stays?

Yes, you can. As it isn't an online reservation platform, just remove the reservation from your calendar, and the CasaTemporada calendar will be updated in 1 hour. It's important to document in negotiations with the guest that the cancellation was by mutual agreement and for other reasons.

Can I communicate with the CasaTemporada guest via Stays?

The channel will provide you with guests' main data, such as telephone number and email, for example. When registering the guest on your Stays database during the creation of the reservation, you can contact them via WhatsApp or emails.

Does the channel accept instant reservation?

No, it doesn't. The channel directs the guest to the host so that the negotiation can take place and the reservation can be approved.