Many places have the practice of requesting the information of the guests when they arrive at the place of the listing, so to improve the experience of the guests and to optimize the operation of the teams of these places, a recurring practice is sending the information in advance by email.

Check below how to set the sending of Guest Registration by email:

Setting up the automatic sending 

Access the  [Settings > Emails > Reservation] menu. On the section [Sending the Reservation's Guest Registration Form], mark [YES] to activate the automatic sending and save the changes. 

You can also indicate how many days before the check-in the guest registration should be sent.

In order to send it correctly, it is essential that you register the email address of the administration location in the listing's page on the [Administration Info] tab.
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Manual triggering via the Reservation's page

To send the Guest Registration manually, access the reservation's page and find the guest's field. Click on the 3 dots icon, on the right side, and click the [Send Guest Registration] option. 

Check the message's content and the email. And then, click on [Confirm and send].

The Guest Registration and the email sending are editable. So, if your Stays Plan is Pro, Administrator or Agency, it is a good practice to edit the content before you start sending the forms.

Now that you already know how to email guest registrations, how about checking out other related subjects?