For a connection with no calendar conflicts you need to fill up your calendar with reservations, direct sales and blocks, as well as other situation. However, concerning your active future Reservations on, it is possible to import them during the connection process.

To do that, follow the steps below:

  1. Access [Channel Manager >] menu;
  2. On the [Listings] tab, select the listing you want;
  3. Click on the three dots icon, on the right side of the screen to open the product's options;
  4. Click on [Reservation Import];
  5. Wait a moment so that can include the reservations in your Calendar.
Check your calendar before proceeding to next steps of your connection!
After the connection is done, the new Booking reservations import on the listing will be done automatically.

Now that you already know how to import the active reservations from Booking, how about checking out more related subjects?