Before proceeding with the reading of this article, it is important that you have already completed the steps below:

  • Purchased and registered a domain (e.g.;
  • Have a business email linked to your domain (e.g. [email protected]).
It is not necessary to hire a SSL certificate with external tools, as it will be added automatically during the domain migration. 

To migrate the registered content on Stays to your domain with no help from our team, you must access the provider and open the DNS editor of the desired domain. When you get there, do the following actions:

1Set the A registration for the IP of StaysReplace the value by our IP: example
2Set the CNAME registrationOn the CNAME registration, you should replace the current value with
3Let us know through [email protected] that you have already done these actions. Our team will validate the action the domain will have your Stays content.
If you want to use Stays as a subdomain for your website, the process for CNAME and A has slight variations.