Recurrent Price Rules is a feature available in the price per period model that aims to facilitate the registration of your rate calendar that has repetitive structure over the years, for example if your High Season and Low Season always start on the same day of the year, or even months, you can apply an automation to ensure the repetition of the rules and especially the automatic relationship between them so that with a change in the original rule you already replicate the action for the next years.

Setting up the rules structure

When creating a price rule, you will have the option below:

Right after making this action and saving your price rule, your rates calendar will be filled automatically:

Applying the daily rates prices

After the creation of the prices rules, there will be a link between them, so when editing the daily rates of a recurrent price rule, you will be able to apply chain reactions:

By editing your recurrent prices rules, you can replicate the action for the following rules.
On the link below you can find more information on the available options.
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