Listings in general (15% commission with Simplified Pricing)

Since December 2020, Airbnb charges 15% from hosts in reservations made on channel managers. This happens so that the host has greater control over the final price offered to guests and so that it's simple to maintain the same pricing for listings across different channels.

According to Airbnb data between 2019 and 2020, this feature increased approximately 17% of reservations located in Europe.

For listings located in Brazil and in most part of the world, this feature is mandatory to the hosts that work with channel manager on Airbnb listings.

Are there exceptions for commissions of 15%?

As it's an action on a global scale promoted by Airbnb, some countries still have the option of choosing between the new feature of 15% (Simplified Pricing) and the traditional feature (3% charged from the host and a guest fee).

This choice is only available if in the account there aren't listings with the professional hospitality type, such as hotels, inns, apart hotels, etc.
If in the account there are listings of this type, the migration to the Simplified Pricing is automatic and mandatory. Check out more details about the professional types of hosting list.

The countries that still have the option of keeping the traditional commissioning feature, even being linked to a channel manager, are:

  • Argentina;
  • Bahamas;
  • Canada;
  • United States;
  • Mexico;
  • Taiwan;
  • Uruguay.