Importing Stays listings to the TemporadaliVRE portal

After setting up your Stays integration on the TemporadaLivre portal, the final step is the import of listings into the channel.

To do this, on your Área do Anunciante TemporadaLivre, access the [Integrações] menu and by the side of the integration installed, click on the option [Ver Imóveis]:

You'll get to the listings panel and when clicking on Importar Imóveis, you'll start the import of the listings, that can last a few minutes to complete the process:

Review of the imported listings

The listings will be imported to the panel. Click on the identification number to check the information of each product. That verifying them, click on [Importar todos] on the upper part of the chart (VV icons):

Final result on the TemporadaLivre panel

You'll see all the listings on Meus Anúncios. Click on [Ativar Anúncio].