Is it necessary to have VAT to advertise on the channel?

No, it is not.

Is there a minimum number of listings to connect to Homes & Villas?

You must have at least 15 listings to request a staff review.

How much commission does Homes & Villas by Marriott International charge hosts?

This information is only shared with affiliates approved to join the channel. Once approved, you can add the amount of commission charged by Homes & Villas on the Stays reservation page.

Is the content of my listing also connected to Homes & Villas?

Yes, it is. General information from your listings will be sent to Homes & Villas by Marriott International, such as photos and amenities. Therefore, listing titles must be in English and exclusive to the channel.

Can I edit the description of my Homes & Villas by Marriott International listings via Stays?

Yes, you can. Changes made on Stays are sent to Homes & Villas, except for the title of the listing, which is exclusive to the platform. The changes appear on the Homes & Villas by Marriott International portal a few minutes later. The default language of the platform is English, so your listings must be written in this language.

Does Homes & Villas by Marriott International work with multi-unit listings?

No, it does not. Each listing unit is an individual product within Homes & Villas.

Are my Stays listings automatically published on Homes & Villas by Marriott International after the connection?

No, they are not. After submitting the information, you must validate the content and publish the listing.

Is the rate registered on Stays sent to the channel?

Yes, it is. Your day rates and changes made on Stays are immediately sent to Homes & Villas by Marriott International.

Are additional fees sent to Homes & Villas by Marriott International?

Yes, they are. Just link your Stays fees with the fees charged by Homes & Villas on your channel manager settings.

Is it possible to configure my cancellation policies via Stays?

Yes, it is. You must link your Stays policies to Homes & Villas by Marriott International on your channel manager. Remember that the channel policy is always applied to reservations made via their portal.

Is the Stays calendar sent to the Homes & Villas calendar?

Yes, it is. Your listing's calendar is fully managed with information from Stays, and changes made on the system are immediately applied to the channel.

Does Stays send check-in and checkout restrictions to Homes & Villas?

Yes, it does. Adjustments made to the Stays calendar are immediately sent to the channel.

Does reservations made on Homes & Villas go to the Stays calendar?

Yes, it does. You get reservations and main information about the guest such as name, phone number and the total of the reservation.

How is the reservation amount charged to the guest?

Homes & Villas is responsible for charging guests and forwards the amount to hosts after the reservation is completed.

Can I cancel a reservation via Stays?

Yes, you can. Homes & Villas by Marriott International is compatible with the reservation status change on Stays. Remember that you must follow the channel's guidelines.

Does Homes & Villas by Marriott International offer instant reservation?

Yes, it does. All channel listings have instant reservation policy.

Can I text Homes & Villas guests via Stays?

Yes, you can. Once the reservation is confirmed, you can get in touch directly with the guest. There is no messaging system on the Homes & Villas portal, however if the guest's phone number is attached to WhatsApp, you are able to get in touch normally.

Does the channel support instant reservation?

Yes, it does. The channel only works with instant reservation.

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