To set the presentation model of your listings on your website's search results, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the [Settings > Website Settings > Results Page Search > Results Page Layout (Listings)] menu;
  2. Choose your desired option;
  3. Save the changes made on the top right side of the page.

See the details on how each option on the screen works:

Grid Layout
List Layout
Suitable for businesses that mostly work with individual listings.Suitable for businesses that work only with listings with multiple units, because in this model only these listings appear in the search.
In this model, each unit represents a search result option and the user can advance to the reservation.It is the ideal model if you have units linked to condominiums, flats, or work with an inn.
The single units won't be displayed as a result.
In this case, another important point to select is the presentation of photos when the guest chooses one of the listings.After choosing the desired location, your guest can choose between one of the units and complete the reservation:
Slider at the Top of the Page
Slider to the Side (View Photos Button)After selecting the unit, the user will see more details about the unit and will have the option to proceed with the reservation.