Website editor can be activated or deactivated on the App Center of your system, on [App Center > For Your Website > Stays Website - Editor].

How to add a video to the Stays website

Before you start, make sure you know how to add sections in the website editor.

To add a video to your website, go to the [Video] tab in the editor and enter the content in the corresponding fields.

The video file size limit is 35 MB.

YouTube ID

Access the desired video on YouTube, click [Share] and copy the part of the link after "". Then, paste the ID into the [YouTube Video ID] field and save the changes.

Google Drive ID

In Google Drive, the ID also appears in the video link. Open the content and click on the three dots, then select [Open in a new window]. The ID will be between "d/" and "/view".

Make sure the video is shared with anyone who has the link. To do this, go to [Share] and adjust the privacy to [Anyone with the link].

Copy the ID, paste it into the [Google Drive Video ID] field, and save.