Before proceeding with reading this article, it is important that you know the concept below:

To assist in charging guests regarding payment installment links, will send the content below 5 days before the expiration date of the link.

Subject: [Name of your business] | Expiration of the payment link for the reservation [reservation code]

Hi, [client name],

We came to remind you that the next payment for your reservation on the listing [public name of the listing] expires on the day [payment link expiration date].

Be sure to pay the next installment! Below is the payment link:


Currently your payment status on the reservation [reservation code] is as follows:

Amount paid [amount already paid on the reservation]
Amount to pay [amount to pay on the reservation]

If you have any questions, please contact us informing your reservation code ([reservation code]).


[name of your business]

If you want to edit this base content, go to your email editing panel and find the res. payment link reminder email template. 

How to edit email templates?