We recommend that you register your standard system and apply the price correction per sales channel, so you can change the daily rates according to the commissioning of each platform. 

To apply daily adjustments per sales channel, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the [Channel Managers Dashboard] menu and choose the desired channel;
  2. Access [Settings];
  3. Enter the percentage on [Price Correction];
  4. Save your changes. 

You can enter negative amounts and percentages with decimals, but you must enter "." and not a comma.

It's also possible to choose if the percentage is only applied to the daily rate amount or if it will include taxes. Therefore, to achieve the amount you want, it's important to simulate the ideal percentage for you. To make this process easier, create a copy of our spreadsheet provided below.


After configuring the corrections by sales channel, check the daily rate amounts sent by each channel on [General Calendar]