Disconnecting a connetion in TemporadaLivre portal

The first action is to stop receiving information from the listing regarding Stays content.

In order to do that, in your TemporadaLivre portal go to Integrações menu and click on the option Ver Imóveis:

You will be able to se your listings that are connected, so in the Importar column, click on the word Sim (yes) because that will change the status to Não (no), just like in the example below:

That is enough to stop the sending of Stays information to TemporadaLivre.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact TemporadaLivre team for further assistance from the plataform´s service channels.
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Update your listings list in your Stays.net (only connections manageable by listing)

To connections that are not manageable by listingonly the step indicated above is required.
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If your connection is manageable by listing in your Stays.net App center, to avoid  future information divergences, it is recommended that you disconnect your listing in the Channel Managers > TemporadaLivre API panel, in the [Listings] tab, like in the example below:

This will make sure that your listing is not in Stays with a different status than it is in TemporadaLivre and guarantees that the information will no longer be sent to the channel from Stays.net!

Now that you already know how to deactivate a Stays.net listing integration with TemporadaLivre, how about taking a look in other related subjects?