Over time, you will have a considerable volume of reservations inserted in Stays.net and it is recommended that you know from now on where to look for some valuable indicators for making coherent strategic decisions for your business.

In addition to the screens of the sales channels you already know (ex: Airbnb Extranet), you can count on Stays with the resources below:

Statistical Panel on ReservationsTo facilitate your monitoring of reservations, the [Reservation Center > Find Reservation] menu can help you search for reservations by partner, gross revenue for a period and other indicators.SEE DETAILS
Occupancy RateFrom the home screen of your Stays.net, you will have the graph with the occupancy rate of your listings!SEE DETAILS
BenchmarkStays.net has a partnership with AirDna, a reference regarding market data. You will be able to compare your occupancy rate and average monthly prices with competing listings from your region!SEE DETAILS