Booking prepayment works when a guest pays part of the amount during the reservation process on 

What you find in this article

How to enable prepayment on Booking 

You can enable to disable the setting to each property from the Booking extranet. The setting is indicated to hosts who do not charge via credit card. Check out the official orientations from Booking.

And when listings are created via Stays?

When choosing the payment methods on your Stays settings, indicate that you accept only cash, according to the image below:

If you want to work with Booking prepayment on just a few listings, it is possible to select the allow editing per listing option and follow the instruction only on the desired listings before connecting to the channel.

The prepayment option will be on your Booking extranet within 48 hours after creating the listing on the channel. After that, you will be able to set up the option on the extranet.

In some specific cases, the option will not be available. If that happens, contact the channel support team. 

How Booking prepayments get on my Stays routine?

Reservations made with Booking prepayment after connecting to Stays, will get with the amounts already posted, just lacking the finance validation by the administrator. See the example below: 

For reservations made before connecting to Stays, it is necessary to post the amounts manually.