On Vrbo, room categories are known as representative listings and, with this, the channel stipulates the following restrictions for the registration of these listings:

Single partnership modelThese listings can only be advertised using the Pay-Per-Reservation partnership model (commission per reservation).SEE DETAILS
Default rate structureListings must follow the same rate structure.
Just configure the products on Stays using vertical rate groups.
Calendar availabilityThe availability of the listing will be formed by the sum of the calendars of the units in the room category.
It is the same logic of vertical rate groups.
Reservations importationIt is necessary to ensure that the reservations imported for the room category are allocated to the units in the category.
Stays will do this work automatically, if the vertical rate group is correct.
Credit card for Vrbo chargesIt is mandatory that you provide a credit card on your Vrbo portal for the charging of reservation commissions.SEE DETAILS
Follow Vrbo market guidelinesVrbo has some market rules and it is mandatory to follow them, as you may suffer sanctions in case of non-compliance.SEE DETAILS
Follow Vrbo content guidelinesThe same applies to the content of listings to be sent to Vrbo, as the channel has guidelines on this as well.SEE DETAILS
Maximum of 500 photos in the listingYou will be able to add a maximum of 500 photos in the room category; this means that the sum of the images about your multi unit address and the parent listings must not exceed this number!SEE DETAILS

In addition to following these guidelines, it is important that in your Stays channel manager settings, you enable the sending of representative listings to Vrbo, from the [Configuration] tab in the section below:

Enabling the Option
Result in Connection Panel

Now that you know how to commercialize room categories for Vrbo, how about checking out other related topics?