When accessing the occupancy rate graph, you will have on screen the following components:

Light blueIt serves to indicate the % of your listings that have been made available for rent to the general public. In the example on the right, we have a business with 43% of the listings being commercialized.
YellowIt serves to indicate the % of the listings that are unavailable for rent due to blocks in the calendar, either at the owner's request or general maintenance, etc. Besides, we have a business that has 46% listings unavailable for rent. 
Dark blueIt serves to indicate the % of listings that actually have confirmed reservations in the period. This percentage will always have as reference the total available listings on the light blue line. Besides, we have a total of 1% occupied listings.

Average occupancy rate

It is the main indicator of the graph for your analysis.

Found in the [Statistics > Occupancy] menu, this indicator will show the average of your occupancy rates over your search period.

In addition to these indicators, you can also use our benchmark integrated with AirDNA. You will have access to data such as the average occupancy rate and the average daily rate amount. Learn more.

Integrated Listings Statistics vs. Occupancy Statistics

On the Integrated Listings Statistics screen, the summary of the occupancy percentage on listings is saved day by day. Therefore, subsequent editing regarding changes of listings vs. reservations will not be considered on this screen. For example, an occupancy result of 60% is considered general, not tracking changes on reservations. 

On the other hand, on the Occupancy Statistics screen, the summary of the occupancy percentage on listings is updated according to the current date. That means if there were editing of reservations, such as listings changes, the changes will be considered on this screen. In this case, the occupancy percentage may be higher or lower, which impacts directly on the update of these statistics.