When connecting your Stays.net listings to Vrbo, the following content will be sent to the channel:

Settings on Reservations

Advertiser's IDIt is the basic technical connection information and it is extracted form the [Settings] tab of you Vrbo channel manager on Stays.
Time for arrivals and departures
Your policy on the standard time for arrivals and departures in the listings will be sent to Vrbo.SEE DETAILS
Policy on the Maximum Duration of the ReservationIt is possible to limit the maximum duration of the reservation on Vrbo using the Stays.net settings on the [Settings > Reservations > Duration] menu, on the configuration regarding the sales channels.SEE DETAILS
Minimum age of the Reservation HolderThis setting is by listing and it is on the [Content > House Rules] tab of the listing's page.SEE DETAILS
Cancellation PolicyRegister your current models on Stays.net and do not forget to relate their use with your listings if necessary, and also to relate your policy to Vrbo policy.SEE DETAILS

Information on the Listings

Maximum guest capacity of the listingThis information is generated by Stays.net from the settings on number of beds of the listings.SEE DETAILS
AmenitiesIn addition to convenient house rules, like smoke space, events and children, you can put the amenities that the listing offers to Vrbo guests, such as bathroom items, kitchen utensils and other useful information provided by the channel on your Stays.net screen.SEE DETAILS
Listing's address
Vrbo uses all information from your address, so fill all the fields correctly and do not forget to check if the map has its pointer correctly positioned, because that is what determines the latitude and longitude and will make it easier for guests during the reservation process.SEE DETAILS
Listing's photos
The photos of your listings must have a maximum size of 20 MB and the recommended resolution is 1.920 x 1.080 pixels.
Due to Vrbo issues, only the first 50 photos will be published.
Prices and calendarIn this case, be sure to keep the information updated on Stays because that will be the basis for sending it to Vrbo.
Remember that Stays.net will help you monitor eventual calendar and rates gaps.
Do not forget to register all the information in Stays.net because if you do not, your listing will have empty spaces in Vrbo and this will decrease considerably the performance of your product.
Regarding languages, just configure your content on Stays and any translations will be applied to the Vrbo portal within 48 hours.

Now that you that already know about the information sent to Vrbo from your Stays.net, how about checking other related subjects?