Creating rules for periods without rate structure

  1. Access your listing page and go to the [Finance] menu;
  2. Click on the [Pricing setup] option and on [+Period];
  3. Fill out the information as in the instructions on the screen;
  4. Save the changes.

Changing pricing rules in periods with active global structure

In the pricing settings model per period, your listing follows the registered global structure.

To create a period-specific pricing rule with pre-settings, you need to deactivate the active pricing rule before following the steps above.

How to remove the active period rule: use the key below and confirm the action.

The result after the rule is created: the IN. S., the new hierarchical level, indicates that the listing has its own rule for this period.

Remember that this should be used for very specific cases. If this is a routine, we recommend you choosing the registration of different sets of pricing rules (Rate Regions) or even migrate to the LOSD pricing model, that will give you total freedom to edit the structure per listing.