During the creation of your Stays listings on Booking.com, your listing will go through two different process statuses: [Being Built] and [Open/Bookable]. However if there is any problem with your registration, your listing may get the [Closed] status and is usually accompanied by a message indicating the reason.

See the example below:

What you find in this article

Actions on the channel's Extranet

For cases in which the listing in the process of being created is "Closed", the ideal is to check your Booking extranet for any further validation messages or check with the Booking service team, as this would be related to registration pending issues, address restrictions or other commercial channel policies.

Actions on your Stays.net

Regarding Stays.net, the main thing is to get your listing out of the [Being Built] status and into the Booking validation list. So, if your listing still has this status, contact our support team to help you.

Now that you already know what to do when your listing has the "closed" status, how about checking out more related subjects?