By activating the feature of sending differentiated email for reservations made at the last minute on your website or sales channels.

To edit the content of the automatic message, when accessing the [Catalog > Email Templates] menu, choose the
guest notification for last minutes reservations template. By default, the message sent will be the content below:

Subject: [Name of your business] | There is little left to guarantee your reservation in [listing city]!

Hi, [full name of the guest],

We have received your last minute reservation for the listing [public name of your listing] for the period between [check-in date] and [checkout date] for the total amount of [total reservation amount].

We will keep an interest in our calendar as a pre-reservation. To confirm your stay, we need the listing amount paid during your check-in.

If you have any questions, please contact us by the phone number [phone number of your business].


[name of your business]

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