The screen [Confirmed reservations] shows to owners the projection of the amounts to receive on reservations. When starting the reservation forwarding, it automatically enters the owner's payment list, and its status will change as you post the forwarding payments on the system.

Below is an example of the [Confirmed reservations] screen and the meaning of each information: 

Posting general statusIndicates the general status of the owner forwarding. In this example, the transaction is [Pending], which means that the full amount of the forwarding or part of it hasn't been confirmed yet.
Another possible status is [Open], when no amount is released, and [Complete], when the manager posts the full amount.
TotalIndicates the total amount the owner should receive for the reservation, that means, the total amount of the forwarding. In this example, the total is $366.42.
Indicates what has already been posted to the owner in the forwarding routine. In this example, the amount of $200.00 is available to the owner.
PendingIndicates the amount that hasn't been posted to the owner yet, that is, the remaining amount to complete the total amount that must be forwarded. In this example, the pending amount is $166.42.

In addition to tracking credit entries, the owners can click on the [Details] button to check more information about the reservation. 

It's possible to manage which information the owners can see, highlighted in red.