By registering the information of your guests and owners on, you will create a database of contracts for email marketing campaigns, which are called leads.
You will be able to export a spreadsheet with your leads in different templates, and here you can find available options:

What you find in this article

Complete, grouped by email spreadsheet template

The list is suitable for advanced users in email marketing and provides a series of information aimed at helping in the segmentation of messages to be triggered or target audience of the trigger.
The information has as its initial field the email.

Complete, grouped by name spreadsheet template

The list follows the same template as the previous one, however instead of the email the username field is the main one.
This does not affect the final result, as the username in almost all guest and owner registrations is their email.
Do not use this template if you are in the habit of creating users manually for guests and owners!

Simple, grouped by channel spreadsheet template

The list is aimed at beginners or advanced users who wish to complete the information of the other worksheets.
In it, it is generated the following data: name, address, phone number, email, birthday, city, country and sales channel where the registration originated.

Simple, with phone number spreadsheet template

List indicated to users who want to do actions through phone, such as text messages, for example.
It is a short list that generates the name, phone number, birthday, city and country of the contact.

Simple, with documents spreadsheet template

This list is geared more towards internal control rather than email triggering.
In it, you will have name, surname, birthday, city, country, and a column with each document type of the system (usually CPF, RG and passport).
Note: CPF and RG are Brazilian documents, roughly corresponding to the social security and ID, respectively.

All spreadsheets are generated in a .csv file and were developed based on the email marketing tool MailChimp and feature variables to help on the segmentation of contacts.