When you integrate your Stays listings with Airbnb, it is possible to work with the API connection in two ways: full connection and limited connection. For more details about what each option means, check the table below:

Important Hints
In addition to prices, rates and availability, Stays also sends listing content, such as photos, descriptions, amenities and other information for creating and maintaining Airbnb listings.
  • It is the connection standard model when you use Stays to create your listings;
  • For existing listings on Airbnb, the data will be combined with your existing content there before the connection;
  • There is no impact relating to the guests' old comments and reviews;
  • On this model, you can set up your instant reservation policy via Stays.
Limited connectionStays only sends rates and availability to the channel. To adjust content related to the Airbnb listing, it is necessary to access the Airbnb extranet.
  • Every listing created on Airbnb via Stays starts as full connection, so you must change this setting on Airbnb portal after the creation;
  • If you are Airbnb Plus, this is the only model compatible with the program;
  • On this model, Airbnb will only support Instant Reservation and you will not be able to make changes about that on the channel's extranet.

On your Stays panel, you can verify what is being sent to the channel, that means that the connection model being used to the listing, as in the example below:

To edit your connection model at any time, simply access your Airbnb panel.