Follow the steps below to set up the discounts on your website according to each payment channel.

  1. Access [Finance > Auxiliaries > Accounts & Gateways];
  2. Choose the payment channel
  3. Select [Yes] on [Discount];
  4. Choose if you want to offer discounts on [Fixed amount] or [Percentage];
  5. Type the amount or percentage, and save the changes.

After this setting, the guest will see the discount during the reservation process on the website, as shown in the image below.

The discount will appear as an item on the reservation invoice on the time of payment. If the payment is rejected, you must remove the discount posted on the reservation page.

If you want, it's also possible to offer a discount on bank deposits.

How to offer discounts by payment channel connected on the App Center

To the payment channels connected by our App Center. The steps are the following:

  1. Access [Ap Center > Payment Gateways] and choose the channel;
  2. Click on [Edit] and then on [Payment settings];
  3. Select [Yes] on [Additions or discounts];
  4. Select [Discount] and fill out the information;
  5. Save the changes.