Availability period is the maximum time in advance that a guest can make reservations on your listings. It's a setting related to listings thawork with instant reservations and very useful to avoid unexpected reservations on your website and sales channels.

What you find in this article

Setting the default availability period

You must indicate to the system what your availability period is - the maximum period is 18 months or 547 days.

To do this, access the [Settings > Reservations > Duration] menu. On the [Availability period] section, choose the period of your choice and save the changes.

As an additional help feature, the system will use this period as a basis to check if your price register is aligned. 

Setting the policy per listing

If you need to set a different availability period per listing, access the listing page and click on the [Distribution > Reservation settings] tab. Click on the [Individual] button, enter the desired setting and save the changes.

By clicking on the [Global] button, it will be possible to see a preview of the setting that was applied on the global model of the system.

The setting will always be used in listings, even if they are part of a multi listing location. Cloned listings will follow the availability period that you set on the parent listing.

Calendar result

After setting your availability period, we will send this information to the channels and, as a guarantee, we will also create blocks like this on your listing calendar:

For reservations created manually on the calendar, you can create them even in periods of availability block.