Multistays offers can be activated or deactivated on the App Center of your system, on [App Center > For Your Website > Multistays offers].

With Stays multistays offers, you can increase the chances of conversion on your website, especially during periods of high demand. The booking engine offers guests options for stays in different listings for the chosen period.
When activating the tool, set the application areas and choose between the two available models, according to what best suits your business.

Free Mode

This feature is ideal for businesses with few listings close to each other. In this case, Stays will display several stay options on the site whenever there is more than one listing available for the search period.

Important: if you have many listings, this mode can make the selection process longer and end up affecting the guest's experience.

Full Gaps

This feature is more suitable for businesses with several listings available, as options will only be offered when there are gaps between two listings on the calendar. In other words, if the calendar of one of the listings is completely empty, it won't be offered.

In this model, the proposal is generated from the following situation: