When configuring a user on Stays, you can set their area of activity in your business. To do that, access [Permissions > Internal access permission], according to the example below:

See the meaning of the options:

ReservationsThe user will be available on "reservation settings" and other screens of this routine.SEE DETAILS
Cleaning tasksThis option that will make the username available when delegating a cleaning task.SEE DETAILS
FinanceUsers who will have cash provisioning in their daily routine.-
Check-in and checkoutThe username is available on the in/outs management panel.SEE DETAILS
Maintenance tasksIt's applicable to all members who perform administrative or maintenance tasks in general. It's through this option that the username will be available on the technical task management panel.SEE DETAILS
Property managerThe user can be allocated as [Owner's Agent] in the listings. The user can get requests via extranet and other notifications about operational routines in the listings under their responsibility.SEE DETAILS
Delete guests and customers
Users with permission to delete guests and customers.-
OnboardingWith this option selected, the user will receive the self onboarding on the first access.-