During the reservation process, your Stays.net website provides the guest with a reservation page, where they can do some actions, among them share the reservation confirmation with friends.

For this action, Stays.net counts on a default message template according to the structure below:

Subject: [First name of the guest] wants to share the reservation made for [listing city]!

[message written by the guest through the reservation page]



Hi, [full name of the guest],

We confirm that the minimum amount of [amount charged to guarantee reservation] has already been paid and your reservation is guaranteed!

See below the main information of your confirmation:

The code of your reservation: [reservation code]

Booked listing: [public name of the listing]

Stay period: from [check-in date] to [checkout date].

Check-in time: from [check-in time set up on the reservation].

Checkout time: until [checkout time set up on the reservation].

To edit the content of this default email, simply go to the [Catalog > Email Templates] menu and choose the reservation share with friend template.

It is important to mention that there is a variable named client_message which serves to generate the message left by the guest on the website, so it must be kept in the content of the email. The same happens with the SEE LISTING link!